About Me..................
Welcome to my website.  I don't get to post often, but I hope you enjoy what I have put together so far.

A little bit about me
I currently attend River Ridge High School and I am in the Academy of Engineering. I have a major passion for music. I play several instruments including the guitar, bass, drums, piano, and xylophone.   I play the guitar and bass at church every Sunday and occasionally at the Oasis Coffee Spot. You can read more on that in the Band section.

Visit my YouTube channel:   MusicGuru62.

You can find some song covers and a few lessons for the guitar!

I am also active in the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). I am currently working toward earning my Eagle Scout Badge.  

Every school has clubs, right?  To get your high school diploma you need volunteer hours, and some of these clubs offer you the ability to get the hours you need. Clubs aren't geeky anymore, they can actually be pretty cool.  I found a really cool club at school called the Social Inclusion Club (SIP).  This is a club made up of students with and without disabilities to interact in social activities on and off campus.  I am honored to be a member of this club as a "support peer."  As a support peer, I get to work with students that are involved in Special Olympics and help to provide a positive role model.  If you have a club like this in your school, sign up and get involved. It is one of the best uses of your time.

My ultimate goal in life is to receive a masters degree in engineering, and a minor in writing (and of course, sprinkle in being a part time musician.)
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